Our generous sponsors have donated a record number of raffle prizes this year! Take a look at what we currently have, but come back as we get closer to AdamCon 2024 and more prizes come in!

If you can’t make it to AdamCon in person, we are offering Online Raffle Only badges this year! You can still donate and be entered in the prize drawings of your choice.

To participate in the raffle:

  1. You MUST register for an Online Raffle Only badge, making sure to use the discount code FREE. This is how I can contact you if you win.

  2. Donate using this link to my Extra Life page, which is how you buy the raffle tickets. You MUST use your name in the donation so that I can verify how many tickets you get.

  3. Email me at Adam@TheAdamCon.com with how many raffle tickets you want me to enter for each prize, and once I can validate on the Extra Life page I will add the tickets to the drawing for that prize and link it to your badge number.

The cutoff to be included in the raffle is Monday, 1/15/2024 at 3:30pm est. I must receive your email by then to ensure your tickets are entered in the raffle. We will livestream the raffle on Facebook, and if you win we will contact you after the convention. All winners will be responsible to either pick up their prizes locally, or pay for shipping to receive their prizes.

Online Raffle Prizes

Board/Card Games